Business Structuring Advice and Set Up
The right business structure will ensure your business is on the right track.
The right business structure will ensure your business is on the right track.
In Australia, there are four main types of business structure to consider when deciding on the right structure for your business or investment portfolio.
Each has their advantages, disadvantages and nuances which should be assessed based on your needs and personal circumstances.
Before deciding on a legal structure for your business or investments, we recommend that you speak to us first for personalised, professional business and tax advice.
We can advise you on the pros and cons of business and investment structures including:
While there is no perfect business structure to suit all possible current and future circumstances, the optimal business structure will allow for effective risk mitigation, tax minimisation and asset protection. It will also consider business growth and succession.
As experienced business accountants in Melbourne, we are here to guide you through the business structure options and determine the appropriate structure for your personal and business circumstances.
As well as providing advice on proposed business structures, we can review your existing business structure. We encourage business owners and investors to regularly review their current business structures in light of tax effectiveness, asset protection and succession planning.
A structure that was once suitable for your business may not be the most effective structure for tax planning or asset protection purposes.
We can help you navigate the potentially complex tax implications of a business restructure and work alongside your legal advisor if required.
Don’t risk setting up your own business structure. We’ve seen too many instances where taxpayers have taken it upon themselves to set up their own business structure without seeking accounting, tax or legal advice as to the
appropriateness and effectiveness of their chosen structure.
This can lead to costly tax liabilities, ATO and ASIC penalties and other costs that could have been avoided had they consulted with a professional accountant.
It’s important that you know the specific tax laws that affect your chosen business structure. Company tax laws are very rigid and trust tax laws are ever-changing.
We can help with:
We’re experienced business accountants in Melbourne, who can help you navigate the complexities of business structuring and restructuring.
Sole trader, partnership, company or trust? We help you choose the right structure to minimise tax and risk while maximising business growth and potential.
The structure of your business should consider how well it accommodates business partners and investors. When your structure is tax-effective, you won't be paying more tax than is necessary. Structures should also offer asset protection to safeguard your hard-earned assets. When it comes time to exit your business, you’ll want a structure that facilitates a smooth and tax-effective succession.
At Platinum Accounting, we take the time to explain how your chosen business structure works, particularly from a tax perspective. There are many hidden tax and compliance traps inherent in all business structures and we ensure that we empower you with knowledge about your chosen structure so that you feel in control.
From Director ID requirements to ASIC compliance, we can guide you so that you avoid costly penalties and keep all your ASIC records accurately updated in a timely manner.
Get in touch with Platinum today to find out more about how we can help you and tailor our services to suit your business needs.
Business success can depend heavily on its foundations. Our Melbourne business accountants will guide you through the process to help you select a business structure that is conducive to your business goals, enabling your business to thrive.