2024 Tax Return Checklists: Your Key to Stress-Free TaxPreparation

Many of our clients like to organise their tax returndocuments ahead of their appointment. Getting organised before tax time is thebest way to get the most out of your tax refund.

To help ease the stress of tax time, we’ve put togetherthese Tax Return Checklists and Tax Return Organisers to help you prepare yourtax return.

2024 Individual Tax Return Organiser (Interactive PDF)

With our interactive PDF Tax Return Organiser, you caneasily navigate through a series of step-by-step instructions andinterview-style questions. These questions are specifically designed to assistyou in gathering the necessary information and documents for your tax return.Plus, the interactive format allows you to fill in the form progressively asyou move through each step.

Get the checklist here: 2024 Individual Tax Return Organiser

2024 Individual Tax Return Checklist

Should you require a straightforward checklist that outlinesall the information you may need to compile for your tax return appointment,we've got you covered. We have prepared a comprehensive list that encompassespotential income sources and tax-deductible expenses. To access this usefulresource, simply click here.

Get the checklist here: 2024 Individual Tax Return Checklist

2024 Rental Property Tax Checklist & Organiser

Complete your rental property tax return accurately andefficiently. Our interactive PDF Rental Property Tax Checklist is a practicaltool designed to assist you in assembling all required documents for the rentalproperty section of your 2024 tax return. You can use it as a guide to collectthe necessary information, or you can directly fill in the relevant fields andsubmit the checklist to our team. Please ensure you have digital copies of yoursource documents ready for our review.

Get the checklist organiser here: 2024 Rental Property Tax Checklist

Record Keeping Reminder

Please keep a copy of your completed Tax Return Checklists,Organisers and all supporting documents in a safe place. The ATO requires youto retain your tax information for a minimum of 5 years. For long-term itemssuch as significant equipment and investments, records are required to be keptfor a minimum of 5 years after the last time it had an effect on your tax.

Important Note

To better serve our clients, we've made these checklistseasily available on our website. However, please ensure you have receivedapproval and have formally established a client relationship with our firmbefore you submit your completed tax return checklists.

Simply submitting these checklists doesn't automaticallyestablish you as a client of our firm, and we maintain the right to declineservice as needed. Also, we must be able to verify the identity of all ourclients to provide our services, in line with our standard due diligenceprocedures and to comply with ATO and TPB requirements. This step iscrucial to uphold the integrity and security of our services. We appreciateyour understanding and compliance in this matter.

Please contact our team for further information (03) 97466479.